Sunday, August 28, 2005
Hmm...Hadnt talk to my ex for 6 mths le, until a few days ago ><" I think I've really messed up my com =X Then I dont think my kor will know anything about the system or help me about it.. Left with no choice.. Was clicking and closing the msn window, Dont know wanna ask him anot..Coz abit paiseh.. Suddenly say hi very weird.. But i did.. Well, for the sake of my beloved laptop, I've put away my so-called "pride". My computer problems: 1. Cannot run spyware and virus scan. (really terrible) 2.Takes up too much RAM ( so wanna scan for spywares.. AND some irritating spywares, i cant even get rid of it PERMANENTLY, that means.. I've used ad-aware, spybot, CWShredder, and also hijackthis, which is recommended for advanced users ><", the stupid "pokapoka62 and gang" he called it, IS SO DAMN ANNOYING!) 3.(MY OWN PROBLEM) cannot sleep.. even sleep also think abt my laptop ><" , and.. go lecture.. also think abt it.. eat also ><" That's why i dont have appetitite lately ba..?) It's like this..I click on his contact window, then i typed.. then i think again.."err..forget it.." and i closed, and i've done this repeatedly. Close and type..close and type.. close and type.. Until the last moment, I took a deep breathe and press enter.. That's how fickle-minded i can get.. "Hey hi.. you free now?" Seeing his status, "busy" for msn. So i went to lie down on the sofa, and see what the TV can do to interest me "/..." Then go check a few times my com got reply anot ><" IF NV REPLY I WILL FEEL SO DAMN PAISEH, LOLX or pissed off la.. Luckily got reply=). LOL..i dont know i can rmb things like this so easily (-_-") but tutorials.. cant rmb anything at all. "hi" "whats up" "hmm.. wanna ask you about my com, it's like this..." " are you the only person having access to your com?" "yup.." And bla bla.. the problem was solved the next day. =( or i shud ^^
In the mid of asking, i asked again, "err.. you busy now? if busy then nvm actually." lol.. i could see the status changed from "busy" to "online", when he said, "nah.." That's funny..haha. hmm.. but another person was asking him the same thing.........Who will it be?
LOLZ Perhaps i've think too much again.. Zzz.. But couldnt help it. But I feel better after approaching him for help.. may be because of 2 reasons, that is, my computer is "problem-free", and also, we become friends again =). Because i hate situation like this.. it happened 4 times to me. first, is the rumour in secondary sch.. about this guy.. err. ok you should roughly know what im going to say.. So this friend(guy-friend from pri sch) called my house, and told me is true ><" "trying to psycho me", so i refused to listen or acknowledge it LOLX so damn childish -_-" , so.. that gang nv talk to me already =( just like losing 3 friends..? Just becoz of this ><" ok.. second.. i had a tiff with my bro..I wanna him to know he's wrong! so nv talk to him for 2 yrs.. but in the end i think im abit overbroad as well..if he's like this..then im like this.. what makes us the difference right? = Im = him?? so bought a tub of ice cream for him.. and then he gave me a teddy bear =) and we patched le. Thirdly.. is my ex haha.. broke le, maybe scare paiseh so nv talk(for half a yr) Zzz.. LOL.. but i really dont mind if we be friends again, coz no one is wrong. (haha.. actually after the break, he ask if we can go out again, but i'd called along a big group of RO frens for the last worries. I know them already, not gangsters*jie jie didi mei mei tong tong lai ) Fourth, is my once best friend. I really feel terrible abt it.. up to now.. I've tried all ways to patch up. but she refuse to accept my apology.. so..i dont know what will be the ending.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haha now touch abit on yesterday.. morning wake up.. dont know why the mother keep scolding me la.. Zzz.. Then i forgot why im so damn pissed off.. Shit.. how come i dont recall things like this at all ><"( im losing my brain cells..) so jama n jes wanna go out so we did ^^. went to shop for bdae present for jama's "father-in-law" LOL.. not bad ar.. got bf again.. And how come always chinese de ? LOL went citylink there..bugis..lastly Raffles place for dinner. Hees we took neoprints, it has always been fun when we are together, hehe.. so here's some precious moments.."TaDa!~"




*Hees.. I love it when jama accidentally put that ribbon on your head, jes XD*
OH.. actually bought a bag yesterday, i think it's nicest than most ppl's. ^_^
( because some ppl say until my stuff and clothes all so ugly.. "hey huimin dont buy from pasam malam" AND I DONT WANNA TO GIVE PPL FACE DE, AND SO I DONT WAN tO MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLE HILL, haha dont wanna mention names.. not very happy abt it.. pissed off too.. just dont wanna show it to you all.. MY CLOTHES AND STUFF IS NOT PASAM MALAM DE, IS used $$ buy de.. not steal not rob. not shoplift de..and also my shirts some expensive than you all de ><" ok i shall stop here, *sounds agitated uh?*).. all thanks to jes and jama accompaniment.. But haix once i reached home, i gana @%#$@$%% for new bags again Zzz.. this morning also..
#$@$% i cant stand it le.. Sianz.. She threaten me dont wan to give $$ le.. But i find it weird too. how come i can spend more than what i have.. err i think im broke now.. might be working and studying at the same time next sem ba.. see first..
i dont know why.. that feeling is coming back to me again, making me more and more moodless and lost.. dont know how to study leh.. how to prepare for exams???
- evileen