Sunday, August 14, 2005
Muahahah.. Jes you sent me the 绝对SuperStar de web..then i really looked at everything of Derrick... He's so cute.. Why He's out???? *To class: i say horrigan cute, is becoz he's fat, My taste of cute, refers to Derrick this type.=X*
I saw a comment in the an idiot:
很 很 很 很 开心 你"出局" !!!!
Sun 14-8-2005 1:53:19 PM
yeah yeah 不必在看到你了 ,每次看到你都想吐 唱的很差 又白痴 ,只会扮可爱博同情 pls 只会骗小妹妹投票 ,拜托以后不要再参加这种比赛了 !!! "
I'm totally pissed off lor.. although not really into the Stars but very sad with this comment.. so i "SUAN" the person with some comments in the forum:
Be confident in Yourself, And You will Always Be our Star!
Sun 14-8-2005 3:46:08 PM
First, I would like to stress this..What the "meimei" has posted, you should just ignore it completely. I sympathize with people with incomplete brain development, her nick obviously shows that she is still immature, and perhaps still needs more time to suck pacifier.Although you cant make it to the next round, but i truly feel that you have the potential to be a Star. Well, was quite sad about the results, but, NV GIVE UP! Your fans have nv given up on you, so the more you cant give up. Strive harder for the next round, and Im sure you will the shinest Jui Dui SuperStar. And You're Already a Star in Our hearts. =)) "
For your info, the website is: can put a soap inside my mouth liao.. This is what people will get, when i feel offended. Suan Suan Suan!~
- evileen