Wednesday, December 26, 2007
"Green tea" jio me out on xmas near my house.
And we had our dinner..

Jasmine, green tea
Who else?
The gift she prepared
The lovely present I've prepared

Pluck those candies down for me!

- evileen

I cut I cut I cut cut cut......

Muahaha.. yum yum
The Xmas Tree outside..
- evileen
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I'm glad that the presents that I have given out for xmas' gifts exchange, up to now, they all like it. ^^
Never had a expenditure for xmas this huge before. Wahhh seems like many people wanted to exchange.. and I think I have bought like 5 or 6 presents (excluding those adhoc gifts).
On the presents alone its costing me like erm.. $100+++
And also having dinner together...... I spent like at least $50 each day. Ok not for dinner only la.. also other activities.....
The presents I have gotten up to now.. I think the eye shadow is the best one. Since Im a lil curious on making up.
The present that I dont really like the most is the fragile one de le. Never like fragile presents. So please note! Dont give me fragile stuff pleaseee!!
I was like feeling the shape of the present, and holding it, and wanted to shake a bit, then I was being asked not to.. "Hey, be careful, or it will break!"
=0! So I was praying that I wont get that as my present.
However, my prayers was not being answered.
Drew lots, and got that as present. Cups w/ plates. Not again! I have so many of them at home...
Maybe next time when I grow up, I can use them for starting up a business.
Despite that, I think its still a better present compared to the other one. The best present, unwrapped was alrdy chosen by someone.
Wrapped nicely, but inside was.......
A cheap present that didnt meet our budget. =\ Im so bad. But thats how im hurt when i asked them clearly for the budget, so as not to buy a cheap present to embarrass myself. When I ask repeatedly for the budget, and I confirmed again with the "organiser" (either him or her la) for the 3rd time, "Sorry, I didnt say properly." So what does that mean. And *she* said she would get a present of same value of the budget. HA! And got a what.. Less than half of the budget, present. Cheap Cheap Cheap!! And *him/her* were the one who suggested the xmas present exchange one lor. I was like , "huh.." inside when they told me that the last minute. That means more money have to be spent, and time and effort to look for the gift. Isnt it upset. The ones who suggested.. but still buy such a cheap gift. Buy such a cheap gift..still want to have expensive meal. =\ Im starting to look down on "some people". For their actions and stuff.
And my brother who didnt give people any present, but his gf a xmas card, he got himself a.... BRAUN BOFFEL WALLET!
Sigh........ Why mine...isnt....
HA joking only la. I like all the presents =) except that one.
- evileen
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tears is flowing like a fast stream river right now. I really can't understand why it is too myself.
Early in the morning, ok, I guess I slept late (@ around 3am), I got woken up as usual by her. I opened my eyes. There in her hand, she was holding a wooden stick. You should have known what it's for.
Unsurprisingly, anyone would be wondering why she needs to do that. I want to know too.
She is not happy that I'm going out so often (well, only 2 days, maybe I went home later than usual) "Huh? On holiday, then keep going out huh. Everyday go out!"
And there she goes nagging about throwing my things. <-- Wants me to throw my things instead of going out. "You keep going out, then no need to pack all this things is it?!"
I have already thrown away my stuff (even those unused stuff). That was like a month ago or something. I guess everything is not important to me, besides my laptop and my keyboard. So I placed them all in a corner, the place for rubbish waiting to be thrown away.
So I felt upset.. and was starting to shed, while wondering why must she do this. It seems that she's not happy with whatever I'm doing. Its not that I didnt give her allowance every month. Ok maybe $200 is quite lil to her, but im not the only one working. My 1st brother also is giving her $200 every month, and my father is also working, and he's too giving her money. I couldnt give more, I know she would understand because I'm saving it for my studies. Not gonna take money from my parents anymore.
And she said, "Faster go and marry lor. Find a place, and dont live here."
-_- Im like "what the hell" inside.
Then my 2nd bro was kinda annoyed what she's saying, then he ask her to shut up. But she kept scolding me nevertheless.
Then I started messaging jasmine to tell her i might not be going out with her. And she's not happy again. She started scolding on the "smsing"."Huh, everytime I scold you must go and message people. Dont feel paiseh is it. Later people look down on you. Dont think I dont know what you are messaging."
I really hate this part of being too nosey in people's business. I mean, I have never taken a handphone out of her money before, and she hadnt pay my bills in the past or now. If she were to do that, I might still think its
a little reasonable . It should always be my own business as it always is. How can she always eavedrop me when I'm on phone, not that she's paying my bills, and afraid that I'm talking too much and she had to pay more. And the same goes for the sms. My brother is terribly annoyed, and said, "Aiya, why you always like that one, she's messaging people she's not going out la." Didnt want to go out, coz ok.. since going out makes my mom unhappy, and also maybe jasmine is doing her hair.. and the others is SO UNDECIDED and didnt confirm on the time of the meeting. Talked to one of them, and she was like, "Not sincere one, like dont want to go out like that." So I said, "Coz we are the decorations." xD I think she didnt get the meaning out of it. Coz its meant to be a secret I have kept for someone -_-" A bad secret that would hurt his gf probly. She wanted to bring her parents out for a walk, but isnt sure if the 2 of them would settle on the time and place. So it makes it very difficult for us to do our own stuff. So, she was asking if we should cancel it, and I suggested her to send a msg to ask us if we are ok with the time and venue, if there's no reply, then that's it. Actually what I meant by decorations earlier was, -.- the 2 person is actually dating each other in secret. Which I think is a bad thing coz one has a gf. Surprisingly, I know his friend who knows was a very good friend in the past, and still contacting. So maybe thats why he told me the secret. -.-" Bu ne shuo de mi mi.
Ok maybe I should start wrapping the other presents to cheer myself up. Wrapping is the most exciting part of a present =)
- evileen
Sunday, December 09, 2007
I hated to talk this morning after talking to people, got really pissed off and I cried.
And I had this on my mind that Im going to stop talking to all humans on earth, and become like a mute. So, there, you could see how much I was pissed. I felt that no one understands me. No one would even bother to. Even when they heard me, they would be shooting me in emails, and telling me to open myself, know more people. Har? And there, the more I felt that there's always communication gap between me and humans =.=
I dont feel like saying much. Talking too much to people would only makes me dislike them more. If you're from my class, I think you'd suck. =P
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
yeh she just doesnt get it
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
like to normal people shes probably very nice
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
only not to you
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
cause you come from a deformed family lol
Bah. says:
o.O deformed family
Bah. says:
what has it got to do with deformed family
o.O and you think i have a deformed family?
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
you do
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
your entire emotional balance is not normal
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
giving a lot of friction when you handle with ppl
Bah. says:
why deformed family
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
you dont talk to your bro
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
youve got an evil one there
Bah. says:
you still remember
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
whos basically terorising ppl
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
I remember everything lol
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
you dont have your own bedroom
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
you dont get respected
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
your mom is... not sure but also not stable lol
Bah. says:
erm sometimes..
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
your dad seems relatively normal
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
for as far as I know
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
thats what I call deformed
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
Bah. says:
oh so thats really deformed family?
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
it is
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
I dnt have anything like it here
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
dont *
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
like from any1 I know of
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
my dads side is likely the weirdest
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
cause my grandpa had 2 wives
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
that gives friction
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
but apart from that lol
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
your family has the most emotional disturbed people Ive ever seen xD
M.A.H. -- All hail the micro silver bullet ^^ -- says:
almost like soap...
I feel so evil, feel like telling people to go eat shit and DIE!! XD
- evileen