Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I just dont understand why their days are numbered and they still behave like idiots.. ARGH! So annoyed.
- evileen
Sunday, December 25, 2005
So sick Zzz.. dont know run to the toilet how many times (-.-")
Sometimes feel like vomitting too.. but the Evil always force me to eat and eat and eat and eat. Zzzz... Or else, it will turn out to be a matter of life and death. if i eat, maybe wont die so soon. dont eat, really>> die.
Everyday scold cheebye cheebye.. not sian i also sian. When i become sick, they will ask me to die faster, dont be a burden to them. IF only i can choose to, i dont even wanna exist on this world at all.
- evileen
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Dont know why these days i keep contradicting myself..
Feels like vommitting very often.. but the stomach somehow feels hungry.. Was asked to go out.. i said dont want.. but inside is want.. lol.. nvm later going out =)
Saw this movie yesterday..feeling damn tired.. but i still stayed up and watched till the end.. although i only managed to catch the "Tail"..but i feel so aww~ and sad when the couples get together and how they parted..and how their son and daughter become a couple like them..
So damn happie.. when i managed to get the songs.. so i uploaded it here =)
Up to now.. I havent touch anything for the tests at all.. almost everyday no mood to study.. kinda tired and pissed off by the usual things that happened in my everyday life.
Feeling sad..
- evileen
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
This morning i heard.. baby crying like nobody's business. And the sounds of hoaxing the baby. And my mom happened to walk past their house and saw the baby.. she was so "high" again..speaking "baby-language" to the baby.
And said to her grandmama(in hokkien i think), "Awww...can understand me huh..? ^^ Gai gai..? Can understand whahahaha.. Wah.. means can hit her already */gg*.. "
Neighbour replied, "Huh? No la.. baby is like that.. there should be no reason to hit her."
My mom added, "I.. just like to hit babies."
And erm.. i was thinking, " I must have suffered alot when i was a baby till now."
And same goes for the evil baboon and 2nd kor.
Didnt know today's supposed to have a xmas "LUNCH?" with the class.. thought it's supposed to be a dinner. And was planning to go out in the late evening to get the present? X_X But it's like... almost soon.. and mom and bro is not back yet.. I doubt i will be going.. Im sorry everyone to "affect" the chain. Sorry..
- evileen
Monday, December 19, 2005
Today went to school for the make-up tutorial. X_X Didnt manage to learn or catch anything though.
But.. */gg* Got some small gifts for today.. kekeke
free biscuit from audit tutor, candy cane with sweet handwritten card from ningning, a nicely wrapped present from lijia, and sweets to sweeten your heart from BearLydia =PEspecially ningning de, like it very much:
The front view
back view =PThank jiajia ningning diadia for the presents kekeke..ningning/gg got your present sure smile de wakaka XD
- evileen
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Today seems weird. Mom asked me to change into the skirts that me and my friend bought. LOL? Weird that she said this, "Aiya.. youngsters' skirts.. all so now ma =x"
(-_-") And what she told me the other day. lol.. Yesterday was so coincidental, was out to buy my lunch and saw jes.. who asked me out before that to have lunch with her, (sorry sorry X_X i always nv see my hp now for some reasons: no one look for me, plus i dont like ppl to look for me when there is something for me to do for them.)
Hur hur hur.. going to shop for my stuff(jeans, shoes, bla bla i think?) soon..alone. Bro kept asking me almost everyday, "hey going shopping later?" Waiting for him to return $100 first.. X_X Although i have money to shop.. But owed me for over 2 weeks le.. kekeke.. Nvm.. shouldnt stress him.. Im kind wakakakakka. ><" Scare later the NTU ppl havent pay him for his namecards.. then big kor is the president.. Scare they quarrel and get me involved again..
When it comes to money matter.. ppl tend to quarrel. So =x i wont press him for the money first. Aww~ i know im kind!! whahah!!
- evileen
Friday, December 16, 2005
Have you ever get sick of life... till the stage..you think of death even in your dreams..?
Yea.. I kept dreaming that I was dead. Not just once or a couple of times, but many.
Why do I exist in this world?
Getting bored each and everyday.
Common tests coming.. but i still dont have the "exam mood".
- evileen
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Evileen Resurrected!
Had been perspiring profusingly for these days the weather is just soooooooo HOT!
Just like in Romeo & Juliet. Shakespeare said that hot weather makes the blood boils =x. So.. Im the Tybalt now. Wakakaka.. Evil evil..
Erm, let's observe the people on the bus. Now, I finally understood why youngsters always choose to sit at the back. Because..THEY ARE CLEVER!! OH MY GOD?! The young ones are getting smarter T_T
Look at those front seats. And look at those ah peks. They always sit at some "specific" area rite? XD And what they do on the bus to "kill time" will be err.. digging nose..digging ear...digging whatever -.- and.. err.. pluck nostrils hair?! YUCKS! Imagine those ah peks.. get up and down the bus.. they need to grab hold of something right? BINGO! The handles!! Imagine everyone uses it.. and they dirty their hands just like that.. *sigh* What I would suggest is.. Put signboards or notices on the bus or fine whoever who is digging the nose. /gg So there won't be err.. "dirts" around.
Erm.. Getting tired/sick/whatever-you called-it these days. Settled the "namecards" thingy for the brothers and err yea.. the evil baboon has finally returned to his "nest/zoo"
There's one thing i dont understand. Why is there people who just laze around?! Dont they find themselves.. good-for-nothings? XD Get very fed up.. but just kept quiet when mama ask me to get things for her which is just a few steps away from her and MILES AWAY from me XD, and father asking me to switch off the tv when im busy with some "work", mother asking me to fold the clothes.. do this do that.. almost everyday.. She complains she's tired all the time.. Hmm.. Maybe i should teach them how to ><" use the remote someday.. Give them "special tutorials". Seriously, they need some lessons. Even for teletext, i was watching something at the climax already, then they press something, and then -.- tv swithed off. Dont know to laugh or to cry..
Mother and 2nd brother have been doing stunts to show me recently. While sitting on the dining table, drinking some "soup", my mom suddenly asked me,(in mandarin)"HEY LOOK! See my tongue! * stretches her tongue out* Long eh?? ^_^ Look again!! *trying to use her tongue to reach her nose in the utmost effort* Amazing huh??" And i was in the toilet, suddenly i witnessed the suicide of a bear, falling into a pool of water. SWEAT!! Yea, the "doings" of my mom.
Dont know why..ever since kor has broken up with the gf..he's not been acting himself. His friend helped him to sign up for MTM for the free trial thingy.. he gets facial products.. buy contact lens..changed hairstyle? ( although i dont see any difference ) shop and shop and shop like mad.. Asking me if i wanna join him in the "make-over"..lol. That will be really funny.
Kekeke..going to do MA project.
- evileen
Monday, December 12, 2005
what kor said to me the day before, "Huh? Are you sure you are going to stay at home for even weekends?? Wah Lao.. You hor.. REALLY NO LIFE LEH!"
(-_-") BIG BIG SWEAT!!!
But staying at home has its own good =x. Can save money, save energy, AND CATCH nice drama shows. Aww~ Do you know that on Channel U every monday and tuesday @ 7pm, there's this very very very sweet jap drama show that is really really nice!! *drools* Imagine i can almost pour chilli into my drink.. and err keep my eyes stucked on the tv XD okie.. that's far too exaggerating..
The title of the show is .."Last Christmas".
Last christmas.. all the sweet sweet things that happened. And this show is really really nice, like the words they use,
The guy's ex gf *shakes head* err had this video recorded on her birthday~ And the guy.. had got her bdae cake.. and what?!?! What about the present?!?! Oh.. he looked lost XD and then handed her a note. In the first place, you might be wondering, "huh?? what the hell?? a piece of paper?? $#@#%%@#" But when you see what's on it. You will really, "aww~~~" XD
It's priceless. On the note, it says, "(the guy's name)'s voucher. If you have any problems..I'll always be there for you. No expiry date." Aww~
Okie.. X_X too bored.. so i crapped here.
By Miss Crab =x
- evileen
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Life is all about living and dying...
Eileen is dead. Don't bother to look for her because she's gone. I will take over her blog.
*$%&*$@#%! =)
With regards,
- evileen
Friday, December 09, 2005
I'm sorry to those whom I have shouted at or scolded recently. When i get totally pissed off.. I cant really control my emotions now. I even shout at my own mother and eldest brother at times, when they accused me or something that i find it really stupid. Especially this period of time where all our projects have to be due at the same time, I kept thinking that I've contributed very little for all the projects. Maybe this happens all the time, or I'm just sensitive, I strongly feel that groupwork really makes a difference. Reflect on yourself everytime you do a project. Do you really attempted it? And what did you actually know about the project? Sometimes, when you are helpless.. and everyone smiles at you..and do nothing.. Have you ever felt this way before? I dare not deny I'm a slacker, but at least I've tried.
**Note: Nothing happened =D (just some reflections from projects)
To : anonymous
I appreciate the kind advice that you have given me. But, on the other hand, you are somehow contradicting yourself. I dont get the point that you are trying to say that friends around me are all suffering. Do i really make a bad friend? Closest friends having friendship problems?(For your info, I have only one close friend, and we always share our problems frankly.) Able to comfort me as they have been through the same experience? May I know who has comforted me?? And..reflect what's wrong with myself?? Yes, I do that all the time.Erm who are the people you are referring to as "friends"? I dont really go out at all other than to school. So how the hell I make my "friends" suffer? Reason why im always meditating at home is because of the following reasons:
1. I only go out 3 people in the past.2. Left only one who is willing to go out with me, but really have tonnes of projects, but no matter what, we still keep in contact.3. For the 2nd friend, i dont know why she suddenly blocked me in msn for months when nothing actually happened, and i was not very sure what happened, wanting to ask her out, to decrease the "feud", and was always being rejected. But last month she started to talk like a human though not as often.4. For the last person, she sticks to her honey just like what UHU glues does. I suppose the only place she part from her "laogong" is the loo. (-_-") Goes out very often with her "laogong", but when friends ask her out, she will say, "aiya.. sian.. /tired../no money.." However, life still goes on right? I didn't care about no.3 and no.4 already. Since going out with me is a chore for them, so why not dont ask at all in the future? Everyone will be happier this way i guess..at least i feel better this way. So isn't this called "opening up" or "facing realityand problems"??Anonymous, maybe you have misunderstood me.
- evileen
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Unblocked them le. Kekeke..But i 1000000% bet that it will still be the same *grin*. [ Done by Fortune Poh ]
Weee! I should watch how life will turn out for such people. *grin* [ evil smiles ]
X_X So bored.. So many things to do.. Quizes...Projects..Havent Start! Oh My God!!~
*Still in search of my interest..hmm*
- evileen