Saturday, October 08, 2005
Wee!~ Im so blessed to have friends like you all. ^^
MY computer probs no more. IE is back. Server is getting finer. People are being my "beta-server testerS". And yune's holiday coming soon. And dissolved some issues with my dearest friend. =P And my job! From 6.00pm to 9.30pm shift, changed back to the the arranged/agreed time , 10am to 6pm ^^. YEAH!! That means more MONEY, MORE "DECENT" LIFE!!~ That goes~THREE CHEERS AND THREE CHEERS AND THREE CHEERS AND HIP HIP! HURRAY!~
Today went out with my two girls *grin*, jes n spy. Too bad yune havent rest yet X_X. Or else..we will have more fun then!~
Hmm nice wor. I made an Ro installer on my own, especially for my server. It's a 3 cd in all, so hope i can pass it around to my friends and see if they wanna try my server out =P bring more fun to ppl.
Yesterday after work..took the bus with someone who's working at my workplace. She seems in her 50s or 60s already. But very well spokened and well-mannered. Nice to chat with her! Hees..When i see people happy, i feel really good and happy too. ^^ For it's a joy to bring happiness to people around you. It's really tiring to hate, dislike, or hold grudges against people unless the case is really irreversible.So.. I've given some thoughts about life. And =X that's how my "war" with friends has ended, and brought us to greater heights and strengthened our friendships. Sometimes things arent what you want it to be. But to change it, or to make something happen, you have to do something,for things dont happen on their own. It happens for a reason.
Oh my god! I've talked so much about.. perspectives in life. People makes part of your life. Without people, you have no life! =)Give it a thought!
- evileen