Friday, September 16, 2005
Today's topic will be on..
The blog theme: Memories..
Enjoy some pics..that i found still inside my com:
Doing things at the wrong time..

A misunderstanding that turned out to be half true..Ro kor: "Rmb to invite me to the wedding of both of you." *everyone /wah*

bongun n munak

close to you

it's now the past

I guess Yune will luv this place?

*Wu Sia*

*Zai wu ding chang zhe ni de ge~*

"Hi priest.."
"So what brings you here?"
"I've sinned today.."
"Because I forgot something.."
*Passes a bouquet of flowers to the priest. A bunch of flowers a day..keep the tears away~*

A nice view..

Lord of death cant separate us..

The santa claus:

"COME QUICK! ORISIS HERE!!" "Come.. take some pics.."

The light of heaven~

Asking for the hand in marriage .. under the legendary sakura tree..( a legend that says.. anyone who proposed marriage under this tree..on a saturday night, especially to a loved one.. will get the girl to say , "I do.")

Luring to Nifhelm, askng the girl to divorce the husband that is already gone.. trying to make the girl marry him thereafter.

He knows it all.

The curse..

Everywhere will be beautiful as long you are present.

Christmas memories..

Cursed..*Everyone left in a hurry /sob*

What are memories? The pictures explain it all.
You will never die.. as long im alive..
Yesterday is the past, today is the present, tomorrow will be a mystery..
The wall paper he made.. * the wallpaper that only i has it.*
Thank you for giving me such wonderful memories..
Always on my mind..
- evileen