Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Third post for the day.. Can sense how bored Im? Nv study.. hees..
Just read the blogs of some people.. Esp when reading ningning's blog.. Many thoughts raced through my mind. Erm.. I rmb a teacher saying this.. "You have to make things happen." Things dont always turn out the way you want it to be as well... Perhaps im abit like ningning. Haha.. Coz i will always look back and stare in blank space.. the things that happen in the past.. Making me lost and lonely as well.. Faking friends?? Nope.. I have true friends.. True friends wont tell you , "you are my true friend" but they will try to be there always whenever you are in need..
The past...
Really nice words that i rmb clearly:
It was like this.. was abt to meet that person on one saturday..was discussing what time.. coz we meet every week ma..then i was indecisive when to meet.. and where.. so that person kinda.. quiet for awhile? Then i thought that person was angry or what.. because i really dont know, blur me -_-"
so.. after a while.. that person said," Why not make it earlier.....? as long as.... i can see you ... even for one minute more....."
Aww~ kinda shocked at this for awhile at that time.. haha.. well.. =) So when a person treats you really nice.. you will really find it hard to forget actually..tried to get all the headgears for me when im studying..protect me in dvd and cds for me.. and one time dont let me pay for the movie....etc..
Sweetest sentence from my friends will be..
"You know.. when we sit on bus or what.. even when you dont talk.. but i can feel your presence.. I dont feel bored at all~" Hees.. i can rmb this so well leh *grin* if jes u r reading this..haha
on the bus last time.. this sentence made me very (^^,)
Cherish all you have.. Because.. one day.. you may regret..And..Things dont always remain the same as before..because they change..
Live everyday as if it's your last..
Most importantly.. Live happy.. Bringing joy to others is the best thing you can ever do. =)
I will try to talk more to her.. Hees.. so happy when she said hi.. but seems that she's busy these days.. maybe will treat her something one day ba..if there's a chance.. =)
- evileen
Seriously i was kidding in the prev. post. Im not a lesbian. Well.. Boredom kills.. Got you! Gotcha!
- evileen
Haha.. Nothing to do..Zzz.. Woken up by my mom early in the morning -_-" she scare house will get broke in.. i think my most valuation stuff will be my keyboard and laptop ba? My atm cards.. anyone got hold of it also dont have my passwords hahaha!! Okie talking crap now.. Yesterday on the bus met Yuet Cheng, an old classmate in secondary school.. hees. Erm.. She was kinda surprised when she saw me, "Hey cut your hair ar??" =.=" Err.. She saw me the last time, when Ive already rebonded my hair?? Haha.. She has got bad memory huh.. "Can I touch Your Hair??" , looking very excited.. lol and let her touch. Wakakakaka.. We talked about "JOBS" Plain coversation.. LOL kinda shocked when she's alighting.. she said to me, "Haha..okie bye.. Today is the day i talked the most~ because.. normally people will say Im talking crap.." Kinda sad la.. Who Are Her Stupid Friends??? LOLx.. See her always alone.. So i will nv fail to say hi and smile at her ^_^.
Well well.. to another topic.... Err..I think erm.. Err.. Im behaving abnormally? LoLx.. One person told me, "you looked troubled" haha dont know you will see this blog anot.. LOL.. Fear not ok.. Err.. feel extraordinary bored these days.. so i .... love to look at friendster. LOL! Haha human nature to look at nice things right? Haha so look at those pretty girls pic *WHOA! and Drools* Dont know why -_-" It's not something i really want.. But i dont know why actually.. Err...I look at girls even on the streets ???? -_-" As in.. "all" the girls, not the pretty ones only. Aunties also.. -_-" LOL.. ok.. maybe exaggerating here.. Err.. Is this a sign or something?
OK.. This is crap for the day~ No idea how many people will turn up for the blaw revision later.. If no one T_T MR Cute Horigan will be so sad on teachers' day =(.....(ok stress this again.. he's cute because the figure looks cute, not the face.. err.. the face alittle perhaps.. LOL.. IF he were to slim down.. Maybe he will look better??? ok.. enough of my craps..) TaTa.
- evileen
Monday, August 29, 2005
HEES!! She talks to me le. ^^ Jes and Jama says i have a stone in my head, saying im very stubborn la.. LOL.. Yesterday.. ask ro meng meng help me add her in..then he say so much le.. dont know i shud say hi anot.. like so funny.. LOL.. then seems that everyone is teaching me how to talk.. haha, that includes yune's ro friend, Adib also, trying to counsel me... LOL.. so long nv online already.. suddenly say hi to me, abit weird.. coz we nv play ro together before..Haha.. okie.. shall end here already ^^. I will have more mood to jiayou.. Haha.. havent start studying.. should start now le ^^. Coz Liu Lijia And Miss KaReN STARTED LE!! OMG.. I must chiong le !!*grin grin*
- evileen
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Hmm...Hadnt talk to my ex for 6 mths le, until a few days ago ><" I think I've really messed up my com =X Then I dont think my kor will know anything about the system or help me about it.. Left with no choice.. Was clicking and closing the msn window, Dont know wanna ask him anot..Coz abit paiseh.. Suddenly say hi very weird.. But i did.. Well, for the sake of my beloved laptop, I've put away my so-called "pride". My computer problems: 1. Cannot run spyware and virus scan. (really terrible) 2.Takes up too much RAM ( so wanna scan for spywares.. AND some irritating spywares, i cant even get rid of it PERMANENTLY, that means.. I've used ad-aware, spybot, CWShredder, and also hijackthis, which is recommended for advanced users ><", the stupid "pokapoka62 and gang" he called it, IS SO DAMN ANNOYING!) 3.(MY OWN PROBLEM) cannot sleep.. even sleep also think abt my laptop ><" , and.. go lecture.. also think abt it.. eat also ><" That's why i dont have appetitite lately ba..?) It's like this..I click on his contact window, then i typed.. then i think again.."err..forget it.." and i closed, and i've done this repeatedly. Close and type..close and type.. close and type.. Until the last moment, I took a deep breathe and press enter.. That's how fickle-minded i can get.. "Hey hi.. you free now?" Seeing his status, "busy" for msn. So i went to lie down on the sofa, and see what the TV can do to interest me "/..." Then go check a few times my com got reply anot ><" IF NV REPLY I WILL FEEL SO DAMN PAISEH, LOLX or pissed off la.. Luckily got reply=). LOL..i dont know i can rmb things like this so easily (-_-") but tutorials.. cant rmb anything at all. "hi" "whats up" "hmm.. wanna ask you about my com, it's like this..." " are you the only person having access to your com?" "yup.." And bla bla.. the problem was solved the next day. =( or i shud ^^
In the mid of asking, i asked again, "err.. you busy now? if busy then nvm actually." lol.. i could see the status changed from "busy" to "online", when he said, "nah.." That's funny..haha. hmm.. but another person was asking him the same thing.........Who will it be?
LOLZ Perhaps i've think too much again.. Zzz.. But couldnt help it. But I feel better after approaching him for help.. may be because of 2 reasons, that is, my computer is "problem-free", and also, we become friends again =). Because i hate situation like this.. it happened 4 times to me. first, is the rumour in secondary sch.. about this guy.. err. ok you should roughly know what im going to say.. So this friend(guy-friend from pri sch) called my house, and told me is true ><" "trying to psycho me", so i refused to listen or acknowledge it LOLX so damn childish -_-" , so.. that gang nv talk to me already =( just like losing 3 friends..? Just becoz of this ><" ok.. second.. i had a tiff with my bro..I wanna him to know he's wrong! so nv talk to him for 2 yrs.. but in the end i think im abit overbroad as well..if he's like this..then im like this.. what makes us the difference right? = Im = him?? so bought a tub of ice cream for him.. and then he gave me a teddy bear =) and we patched le. Thirdly.. is my ex haha.. broke le, maybe scare paiseh so nv talk(for half a yr) Zzz.. LOL.. but i really dont mind if we be friends again, coz no one is wrong. (haha.. actually after the break, he ask if we can go out again, but i'd called along a big group of RO frens for the last worries. I know them already, not gangsters*jie jie didi mei mei tong tong lai ) Fourth, is my once best friend. I really feel terrible abt it.. up to now.. I've tried all ways to patch up. but she refuse to accept my apology.. so..i dont know what will be the ending.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haha now touch abit on yesterday.. morning wake up.. dont know why the mother keep scolding me la.. Zzz.. Then i forgot why im so damn pissed off.. Shit.. how come i dont recall things like this at all ><"( im losing my brain cells..) so jama n jes wanna go out so we did ^^. went to shop for bdae present for jama's "father-in-law" LOL.. not bad ar.. got bf again.. And how come always chinese de ? LOL went citylink there..bugis..lastly Raffles place for dinner. Hees we took neoprints, it has always been fun when we are together, hehe.. so here's some precious moments.."TaDa!~"




*Hees.. I love it when jama accidentally put that ribbon on your head, jes XD*
OH.. actually bought a bag yesterday, i think it's nicest than most ppl's. ^_^
( because some ppl say until my stuff and clothes all so ugly.. "hey huimin dont buy from pasam malam" AND I DONT WANNA TO GIVE PPL FACE DE, AND SO I DONT WAN tO MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLE HILL, haha dont wanna mention names.. not very happy abt it.. pissed off too.. just dont wanna show it to you all.. MY CLOTHES AND STUFF IS NOT PASAM MALAM DE, IS used $$ buy de.. not steal not rob. not shoplift de..and also my shirts some expensive than you all de ><" ok i shall stop here, *sounds agitated uh?*).. all thanks to jes and jama accompaniment.. But haix once i reached home, i gana @%#$@$%% for new bags again Zzz.. this morning also..
#$@$% i cant stand it le.. Sianz.. She threaten me dont wan to give $$ le.. But i find it weird too. how come i can spend more than what i have.. err i think im broke now.. might be working and studying at the same time next sem ba.. see first..
i dont know why.. that feeling is coming back to me again, making me more and more moodless and lost.. dont know how to study leh.. how to prepare for exams???
- evileen
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
today seems plain again.. just like any other day. Accompanied esther foo to printing case she'll feel lonely =) Went down.. some people complained about their hunger.. and some of them have gone to the library.. Just wanted to be in groups, so I wont feel so "lonely". Shopped around with "heehee", "ning" and "esther foo" after the BK meal. Throughout the whole shopping, it seems that I've contracted a non-stop laughing disease, 'trying to destress myself...' Ha..
Have you ever tried being tired until the stage that your eyes cant open at all? or..brain becomes completely useless..?
Well..That applies to me.. for now.
Wrote a testi for her on the day after meeting jes n py.. And sms her to acknowledge it..
The last part was:
"Frens for 6 yrs.. Always been together.. Turned out to be like this.. Dont be angry for whatever I've done ok? Reply me.. through sms.. or anything.."
Obviously, if reply = might be forgiven
no reply = friendship's over
Her very prev. log in was 21 June 2005
I rmb clearly.. It may seem that Im a person that doesnt care at all..In fact, Im quite sensitive about it, and nv fail to check her last log in every single day. Today, "last login 22August 2005"
She've seen my testimonial in friendster. But, nv acknowledge it. I keep checking my hp. No sms. Nothing. And now I feel like crying. But to stop staring at her nick, I del and blocked it again. Well.. She nv unblock me..nv reply.. so..even if she wants.. it would be like so long ago?
I've told jes and py our friendship's over. well.. well..well.. If we have true friendship, why cant it withstand anything at all? This friendship is vulnerable and by no means people will end it. No mood now.. Just hope exams will do well, and everything's fine. And, hope everyone will be healthy and live to a ripe age.
- evileen
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Hmm.. yesterday was kinda Zzz.. Coz lol..went back to lau di fang(old place), thomson plaza to meet up.. haha..But after meeting you all.. I think anywhere also the same ba ^^ . As long we are together..Nothing else matters.. Whahaha.. I was thinking of having a car.. a house.. Then Jes you said you have the feeling that I will drive in the future *grin grin* Hope that's true.. Hees! But then, you said I will be super blur, then dont know which junction to turn.. =( Hmm..I dont wan to kill anyone on the road oh..
Thanks peiyi for the present.. ^^ actually i wanna buy that for you de.. haha coz i find it very special..Hmm.. what should I get for peiyi ne..? Thanks all of you for the wonderful you girls know you are the candles of my life..? Coz every moments we spent together is always so precious.. and you all light up my life..=)
Coz was very sian when i go home everyday.. no one to talk to.. then no matter how busy you all are.. You still put away some time for me.. Haha.. Know you all are very sad.. of the fact yune and me.. Hmm..I wrote a testi for her yesterday.. But dont know would she acknowledge it.. If no..I will be very sad.. Hmm.. the do-re-mi-fa gang..Dont wish to break it..Coz I luv you girls as much as you all do.
*Lotsa Luv*
- evileen
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Watched "A Walk to Remember", nice movie. There are many parts that've moved me. A guy who is a beng.. saw a guai ger.. then his gang laughed at her old sweaters.. Maybe people laughed at what I always wear bah.. But like her, i wont care what others think, just be myself, and be an upright person, nothing's wrong with that. So, she gradually learnt that the school were making a fool of her, when they say, "nice sweater!", and she replied sweetly, "thanks.=)" There was once.. when a girl passed flyers around, that was her face on it, with bottom that is censored. She brought her to the canteen.. then everyone looked at her with those looks, and laughed. She was lost.. then she saw the picture..She cried.. Just when she turned around.. The guy appeared and she bumped onto him, and he held her in his arms.. And asked, "It's going to be alright.." With a gentle touch on her hair.. nose to nose, eyes deep down to her eyes.. LOL!! He went forward and gave the guy who is from his gang, a harsh punch on the face. Whoaho! That was cool.. He said something to her, as words of consolation, and walked out of the canteen with her, with quickened footsteps. Then bla bla.. partly because of their role play.., they become steads. All the things that he did.. was more than enough to touch a girl's heart. He bought her new cardigon too.. a pink and sweet one. ^^ However, the daughter's father is a Reverend, and he doesnt allow her to have dates. Haha this part like me too.. Not allowed to have dates.. But I went. Who cares anyway.. Whahaha.. But my ex also know that.. so that's why he always keep track of the time =( So the guy went to ask her father to allow her to have date, "have faith."
Then he finally managed to get the permission from him, and they went on a date, dine at a restaurant and dance. Until one time, she told him she got blood cancer. T.T he was angry.. at her for not telling him earlier.. She didnt wanna to do that.. but ever since she knew him...
And then.. nothing happened la.. they nv broke up anway..^^ And then, he know she likes stars and stuff, and her wish is to witness a miracle. So he wanna to fulfill whatever that she wanna to do.. In the early morning, he started the work, outside her house.. and that part she woke up,, and see.. then fainted. =( She was hospitalised, and then very very weak.. he made it.. she saw a shooting star with the "special telescope", and he too saw it. He actually went to register and bought a star for her, and is her name ^^ so sweet!! They got married... Then she died after the summer. =( She had saved his life. She had taught him many things. "You're my angel." "Like the wind, i cant see it, but i can feel it.." So, the miracle for her, is the guy, obviously.
Jue Dui superstar! Wow kelly won!! Erm what about the guys ne..Still watching now..abit sian le.. shall end here. tata!
- evileen
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Why am I thinking evil all the time..? Today got blaw presentation.. quite happy with it.. because most people told me that we've done well ^_^ thanks! Quite a no. of classmates wearing formal.. because they're doing court cases... Zzz.. haha.. Then seems that people are taking photos with their best frens.. haha.. dont wanna to spoil their photo-taking session, so I'd decided to sit around in some corner, so as to make myself scarce. Hmm.. talking about photo-taking session.. abit "xing yang yang de.." So, go home and have numerous sessions with myself =D. Im know Im siao la.. But that's what makes me live up to my name =P. Have fun with myself instead..*BLEAHZ!*
After lecture, we went to celebrate weiye's bdae. He must have been touched.. uh.. coz got cake surprise, and not forgetting the kiss from HOU LANG! hahaha.. hou lang leh... dont play play ar.. Then we had some fun around haha.. Then a gang of them went to "chiong" pool, while another gang of good frens went to shopping le.. Haha.. I seems to be nowhere and nothing interests me.. so go home lor.. =((
Dont know what makes me so sian.. Coz.. I ..kinda.. feel lonely.. again..
Always fixing my laptop and stuff de.. Go school very sian.. coz no fun at all.. nv do hw.. nv do anything =X. Today saw pig on bus..was sitting directly infront of him.. saw me le bah.. *BLEAHZ!* As usual, always turn my head in another direction, haha bet that no one saw that before.
ppl asked me qns like: "why sit here so lonely?" My real ans is, " I prefer to be alone, because I will feel more comfortable, not spoiling fun session of others."
ppl asked me qns like, " why nv see u for the online game?" My real ans is, "Busy with some com stuff..and ro fren not playing, so play alone evry boring, and also, i've no interest in everything, because i will feel lonely when playing the game."
ppl asked me qns like, "why like that?!?!" My real ans will be, "Mind your own business!"
If anyone ever think that you've understand me, you're 101% wrong. Even my ex told me it's easy to analyse other people but hard to analyse what I'm thinking.. Muahahha.. So dont play play..You dont know what i will do in the next moment.. Suddenly wanna say this.. Dont like people with fake smiles, and those who pretended they're nice to you. Well, just a penny for my thoughts..And plz dont talk like a Boss! During Blaw lecture, sat next to aining and nora. The stupid lecturers jumped to the next slides so fast..then couldnt jot anything completely, got pissed off already, then i said, "FUCK!" Aining & nora's eyes become --> O.O
Whahah..sian la.. wanna study the lecture de but ended up like that.. Im totally very sian person now.. You may call me Miss Sianz.. Im talking the craps that Im having right now on my mind.
Im just a wanderer, that's all. =)) Wanna end poly fast, or change course or school or something..That marks the end of this session, bye.
- evileen
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Dont know what the hell I've been thinking these days. It seems that Im not very happy with everything.
Today had the FIT presentation le, but dont know how to answer all the qns.. Haiz..
People who arent very happy with me, may feel free not to talk to me at all, =) because now I've attitude problem already, if not comfy with me, I wont force you to. (",)
- evileen
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Muahahah.. Jes you sent me the 绝对SuperStar de web..then i really looked at everything of Derrick... He's so cute.. Why He's out???? *To class: i say horrigan cute, is becoz he's fat, My taste of cute, refers to Derrick this type.=X*
I saw a comment in the an idiot:
很 很 很 很 开心 你"出局" !!!!
Sun 14-8-2005 1:53:19 PM
yeah yeah 不必在看到你了 ,每次看到你都想吐 唱的很差 又白痴 ,只会扮可爱博同情 pls 只会骗小妹妹投票 ,拜托以后不要再参加这种比赛了 !!! "
I'm totally pissed off lor.. although not really into the Stars but very sad with this comment.. so i "SUAN" the person with some comments in the forum:
Be confident in Yourself, And You will Always Be our Star!
Sun 14-8-2005 3:46:08 PM
First, I would like to stress this..What the "meimei" has posted, you should just ignore it completely. I sympathize with people with incomplete brain development, her nick obviously shows that she is still immature, and perhaps still needs more time to suck pacifier.Although you cant make it to the next round, but i truly feel that you have the potential to be a Star. Well, was quite sad about the results, but, NV GIVE UP! Your fans have nv given up on you, so the more you cant give up. Strive harder for the next round, and Im sure you will the shinest Jui Dui SuperStar. And You're Already a Star in Our hearts. =)) "
For your info, the website is: can put a soap inside my mouth liao.. This is what people will get, when i feel offended. Suan Suan Suan!~
- evileen
Saturday, August 13, 2005
What's with her? She's at it again. It was early in the morning, hadnt had any breakfast yet. About to start my practising on the keyboard, and she asked me to wash the sink. Okie this part, fine..
Then? I asked why dont have the "GIF" or "JIF" whatsoever, then use dynamo instead -_-"
Ok.. then dont know why kept scolding me then say.. "ji bye ji bye, PO Po ji?" whatever.. dont know the meaning of that one. Im a non hokkien speaking person, well..
Then I asked, "why u keep scolding and scolding, now I'm helping you already."
Then she chiong guo lai ><" VIOLENCE la but of coz like street fighter i defended la
$#$^#$^@$%$Coz just rebond hair, quite conscious of it already -_-" then she still pull it ><" *
She's not happy with my change i know.. Say Im very ah lian. ><" SO that's why i tell everyone not to call my house. Coz she wanna to scold my frens. She always say this, "I wanna find out your zhu peng gou you, led you astray." ><" But i think she's worst than me lor. She should thank god that Im way way way way way way way different from her. *Then i screamed and throw everything i was holding on the floor.
Well.. i bet no one noe this, there's a witch living in my house ><" so.. that person. scare she will be happier over our tiff. What the....
Then her face turned into those of a lunatic's face ><"
So pissed off in the early morning of the day. Haiz.. then she complained to everyone ><" say i use the word "help her" she not happie. ><"
So also dont know how to maintain my hair already, in a very vulnerable position.
Think my real biological parents died le.. Coz Im the only one with B type blood, and the way i speak is very different from the family, and intelligence whatever.
two bro's blood: o type
two parents' blood: A type
ME: B type
Haiz haiz haiz.. Not feeling so bad already.. after hearing some soothing songs =)
- evileen
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Haiz..jes.. feel so sad for you when i heard what the stupid teacher did. So ridiculous.. Wah.. but after hearing you mentioned you're the TOP 5 in sch -_-" so li hai lor.. NOW I wan to FA FEN TU QIANG LE. My ex-DD was also top de leh.. =.=" Then one month of attachment can earn alot alot of $$ o.O
So next time when you're rich after attachment hor.. Must go Raffles Place again then treat me har..=P
I must work hard already.. Haiz.. maybe this week will be the last week I'm slacking.. After which, I should be staring at notes already.. no more games for me!
And hope ppl will not intro anymore games to me X_X I really dont wan to get addicted again. SO hard to quit. (T_T)
- evileen
Monday, August 08, 2005
This morning I've got weird dream again. But a nice one.
LOL.. It's about romance not about magical powers already o.O
I dont recall what the dream is about though.. But the nice feeling is still there. Something like you've watched a movie but the female lead is u ? XD
But the guy *scratchs head* The dream never show his face actually LOL!
Well well well.. Here comes the guy to bug me again ><"
But nvm.. i always so free anyway.
- evileen
Thursday, August 04, 2005
I didnt feel happy for a very very long time le.. I feel sad..I dont know why..I got no mood to do anything.. Tutorial.. Project.. first time i become like that..I think Im gonna be doomed for if this persists..
Today went to salon.. Thought that the class not very satisfied with my hair.. then aining's hair so nice.. haha.. so wanna go and see what can be done to my hair.. I've expected what the person would say..and i hit the nail on the head.. She say will curl.. semi rebond is that.. the thing is to flatten my hair.. doesnt look as messy le.. But kitty did the rebonding for me over again. I reached there at 5pm and left at 9.14pm. My hair ganna cut again.. sad.. last time i cut hair will cry de leh T.T Wanna to stop her, but too late liao.. she nv even ask me.. i think must cut after rebonding de ba.. to rid of "some" type of hair, be it split ends or whatever.
Couldnt even smile ever since i stepped out of the salon. So sad...I think it will take a month for my wound to be healed, probably grow back a little hair. Sigh.. my hair grow super slow de lo T.T
Dont wish to say anymore...
- evileen
Got back all papers le.. Thought I will do quite badly.. And improved a little bah..
BLAW 58/100
COST ACC 34/50
IFA 66.5/100
TAX ACC 40.5/50
Wonder whether I can survive in the coming exams anot.. It's gonna be hard.. Maybe end of August I will be sobber abit.
- evileen
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
HeeHeeHee!! Food Glorious Food!!
Went to meet jes today initially for exchanging the skirt to a different size, coz she has bought the wrong size for me! But shw has bought it like week ago? And that person said cannot exchange le wor.. when she called them.
So went to Heeren instead.
I can see the change in her. Not in physical appearance but.... =X her Appetite!!
Haha.. was surprised when she can stay so late that type.. then wanna eat dinner with me. Jes! You've got more freedom than me!! =X
WE have HUGE appetite. I mean HUGE, REALLY HUGE!!
Know what have we got for dinner today? I was the one who led the way! Abit blur at first..then jes says if got cam.. should take a pic of the place we walked past, so as to trace back the steps if we are lost. =X LOLX! Jes always tell me that when she's with me, she cant be blur. Otherwise, both of us will be doomed. =X Once we reached the Lau Pau Sak in Raffles Place, we settled down and ordered the "ZHI CHA" stall, for the stingray plus big plate of mee goreng. Yummy yummy~ Then I was surprised when she claimed that it's not hot enough? -_-" And smoke is like coming out of my ear already, and the tongue wanna fall out le! =X *abit exaggerated on this part though.*
Super full after the big two plates of servings. And we added on banana split. It tastes fabulous, and near perfection because the banana abit sour =X. And SHOCKED that she says that she's abit full. And went on to order another ICE JELLY.
OMG!! i can sense people walking past our table and looking at our food with those looks. haha..It seems that we've not eaten for years..Only two of us..And jes! You are like "post" Seventh month "thingy" come out too early la. When we were having the banana split, the cleaner cleared our table.. coz like almost no space liao le =X. Then the auntie asked me.. "Erm..Working? Or still student? How much is your banana split?" "How much is your allowance?" Then she told us the food there very expensive. blah blah.. LOL.. trying to psycho us not to go there again? No WAY! MAnZ~
- evileen