Sunday, July 31, 2005
Hehe yesterday go out shopping with jes then at 4pm then met siu juan from POPULAR. It has been 2 yrs since we have last met each other. Aww~ and yet.. she is still contact with me.. Went to raffles place.. then she planned to drink and chat at Cofee Bean in the first place.. Because I was damn full after eating my lunch at 4pm..I wanted something that is not so much, but also cheaper? Then she went to order.. She wanted banana caramel actually.. then she say maybe she will suggest me expresso. So she ordered,"banana caramel and single expresso plz." Then the expresso turned out to be so small! Whahaha.. then we kept laughing when we see the size.. She thought it was leftover by someone.. then she ask the person at the counter again.. And the person answered that it was the single expresso she had ordered. SO guilty sia.. She offered me the banana caramel then drink the so super small cup of expresso. haha.. A treat from her.. Aww~ then wanted to catch the fireworks over there de.. but that time we just got into the LAU PASAK.. Then the SUPER BIG plate of mee goreng just couldt catch it le.. but can hear "BOOM!!!" the sounds. Whahahhaaha!! Thought that the serving wouldnt be enough for two.. ordered a bigger plate plus satay, and she wanted to order more stuff de. But i asked her not to order first, in case cant finish all. And I was right! And one uncle and auntie..saw our food.. Hmm.. yummy yummy? Maybe we eat until very nice.. BUT IS REALLY NICE!! VERY WORTH IT! Then siu juan pointed at the stall, but then I assumed he saw the wrong direction? ..And ordered hokkien mee instead.. they looked sad.. and the uncle seemed to be angry. LOL..Then they ordered other stuff instead.. rice with soup and satay plus hokkien mee. WHOA! ..Seems that their appetite was much bigger than us.
First time we went out together..I feel abit weird ba.. partly because of the age gap? Im 18 and she's.. erm..28 or 29? Although I feel abit sian actually.. But had tried my best to look energetic, and we had a hard time working to the MRT station with such a "heavy" stomach. =P
- evileen
Friday, July 29, 2005
Ahoy!~ for TA05.. for helping me to make a little difference.
Thanks u very much esp. to JOCE n ANGELIA! You know what I wanna say?? Both of YOU ROX!!
It was hard on them.. the rebonding was supposedly to take about 3 hrs.. but ended in 4hrs ++!!
Poor Joce.. She was seated next to me.. and stoning together..And.. she kept crying that she was hungry! Aww~~ I'm so sorry.. wanna to treat you but you rejected my offer.. so --> no contract?...aha
It was tough on me as well.. although im not the person who is doing the jobs.. but I have to obey their instructions and things like "KEEP STILL!!", "HEAD DOWN!!"
Although my bdae was already over like for days..? I wasnt actually prepared to make for the total change.. perhaps..the whole thing dragged too long and I've given up? Haha.. But anyway, I will try to change myself a little, and definitely not my "self".
And know what? Today's my bdae again! LOL!! It's lunar calendar one..haha!!
The hair stylist has taken a very very long time to "settle" me, i think it's partly because my hair is super thick? and also.. their business is damn good? Dont know what was wrong with me.. Actually went to the toilet in the mid of the rebonding?!?! LOLX! And JOCE! She kept reminding me not to drink too much water.
Erm.. now I feel abit weird with specs..maybe will try to change to contacts in couple of months or so? As for shaping eyebrow.. have to wait for the gurls.. and go together!
Sigh..... ask my bro take pic for me.. he dont want.. so dont know how to take la.. how to take yourself?? -_-" So, here's an ugly pic of me, taken by myself..* not so clear..i know.. coz was charging the cam, then cant move it too much, and somemore it's in the night*

The hair doesnt look nice on me.. Or rather I'll put it this way.. The hair looks too good for me? Erm.. no idea how the class will respond after "investing" so much on me.. This is a nice present..and also the most exp present I ever got..and only present I've got till now.. haha.. I will remember you people for all these. ^^ Thanks once again.
- evileen
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I cant stand people who sucks.. Yesterday like that, today same thing. -.-
SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS! Think Im what? Maid??? I did so much already.. Always ask me to do this and that.. Very busy sometimes lor! DONT HAVE LEGS N HANDS TO DO YOURSELF MEH?!?! Think you read those sutra got use>>??? Read also no point de.. The mind and brain still the same! NO change! No difference! That's why i wanna be a free thinker. =.=
Haha.. but one thing.. the mother knows it all.. Know that Im really pissed off. I always give the irritated look. She also try to talk me round bah.. Haiz.. I pity her lor.. MArry this kind of person. =.= I pity some women actually. I think they can be better off survived with > no husband at all. And life will be easier and carefree bah ^^. Hopes this kind of guys on earth will be few, so as to reduce the destruction on earth. And..I dont wan to be dependable anymore.. Wanna be Independent!! Go work in holidays bah.. ^^ Be happy always and not treated as a dog. I just wanna tell u .. YOU SUCKS BIG TIME!
*note: the "you" refers to the father =.=*
YOU THINK YOU VERY BIG is IT?? Do you know most of the stuff I spend and use is not from you de lor =.=" TO think a wife is better off than U! WHat ARE YOU?! WHat have you got to say?I really WANNA MOVE OUT OF THIS HOUSE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. TO BE FREED FROM THE UNREASONABLe WORLD OF YOURS! But for the mama.. I think she will wan to leave also bah If i were her. Sad sad sad. IF you are a guy, you must be nice to the wife =( You nv abuse her i know><" nice as in.. be a reasonable person>? be more civilised>? behaves and talk more like a human>? This is what I really wish for..=)
[ it feels cool after letting out.. ^^ but abit guilty after saying all these.. *sigh..*]
- evileen
Monday, July 25, 2005
It has been such a long time ever since the last time i talked to you, and u gave me that look.. Wasnt pleased at that time.. Was not in a good mood too.. And know what..? That person whom you were angry at me for, *although no idea why you were/are angry at me anyway* is a jerk i think. To think that he's asking for your friend to be his * fill-in-the-blank*. Hmm.. not worth it lor.. this kind of person.. not my type anyway =.=" AND why were you angry at me?!?! Up to now.. still dont know why.. Maybe one day or something we can at least meet or talk. =)
- evileen
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
for myself (19.7.87)
Hehe.. thanks to all the people who wished me a happy birthday. It was a happy one because I've friends like you all ! ^_^ So touched.. First time so many people remembered. ^_^
It was just like chinese new year countdown or something.. I was still doing my work..It was already 12 am when the handphone suddenly kept vibrating.. and msn "DONG DONG DONG!!" In maple.. got 100 cakes because my bdae...^^ xiexie I really appreciate it..^^Thanks once again!~
then today is OLD BABOON's birthday le(20.7.83)
hehex..but i will not say happie bdae to him unless he has gotten me a present ! =P He nv say happie bdae to me anyway=P Baboon sux.. lolx
Time to do tax le..TaTa X_X
- evileen
Friday, July 08, 2005
Today we ended cost accounting super early again. I find the lecturer an eccentric person. She loves to play with her mouse. The mouse that changes from green to yellow, yellow to orange, orange to red, red to pink, pink to purple, then purple to blue, and the lights would just keep changing the colours. It is hard to be a student with this kind of lecturers. She loves to click her mouse, and move from slides to slides, to and fro, when you're in the mid of copying something that you think is important? After she went through the lecture, like those of a "twinkling of an eye", she refused to dismiss the students. She claimed that she scolded someone who just leave in the LT like that. But anyway, WHO CARES? =D And she went on... Blah blah blah... with boring quizes. She talks to the students just like talking to KINDERGARDEN CHILDREN!! Even Karen agreed!! I dont like her voice.. It's not exciting and boring =x. Unlike our tutor, Mrs Ang? So nice!! =)
Joce, angelia, karen and me proceeded to the NP CO-OP. And guess what? At the end of the day, * the time we skipped FIT Lecture*we've bought almost each of us a pair of specs without any intention of buying one in the first place. It started all because of jocelyn!! lol.. Well..I guess it's time for me to have a new one too. There were two uncles, one of which talk in an "alien" languange, where we could catch no ball, *in different frequency I mean*. Until now, I still couldn't figure out what the "police" part is all about. I think the uncle hasn't made much profits, because he gave us all a discounted price. Of which, mine was supposed to be cheap already, then he overheard them saying that my bdae is approaching, and gave me further discount as a birthday treat!! Whahaha!! So good!!
Moral of the story?
Buy specs when it's your birthday. =D Because you will get discounts! heh..
- evileen
Friday, July 01, 2005
Aww man~ these are always the periods that i fear over the years. COMMON TESTS AND EXAMS!! Haha no matter what happens, be it something bad happened, or be it my bdae is coming T.T ? Still have to strive harder for the common tests. Argh~ WHY?! Why this time?! Lolx.. give me a break~
Hmm.. Whenever my birthday is approaching, I will never fail to tell my brothers!
lolx.. I remember..
1. I wasnt in good terms with the 1st kor. I didnt talk to him at all for that particular time. But i bought him ice cream for his birthday, * lolx that time still young , "mei you qian" to think of any better stuff to buy him * And he gave me a bear bear soft toy.. Aww... That's one of the parts how we patched up.
2. My 2nd brother bought me an organ stand! It was like this.. he gave me the $50, and then told me, "Go find the stand yourself and buy it with this money." Good hor?
3. In primary school, when we were on the journey back to school, after watching the NDP preview, my classmates sang me the birthday song on the bus. LOLX!! SUPER MALU!! But then.. I didnt know why, that I felt like crying. So touched!! Aww~
4. And of course, not forgetting TA05 who had "dragged" me to the movies, when they learnt that it was my birthday last year. Although it was a simple treat, I really appreciate it, even though at that time, we werent really familiar with the classmates then.
5. last year: None of my friends whom i expected to know my birthday, didnt even bother to wish me a happy birthday. One eccentric friend suddenly sent me a msg that my present was on the way, but err up to now, where's it? LOLX! That time so kelian.. haha, *kidding* kelian as in =.=" The stupid brother mocked at me! " HEY GER! GOT PRESENTSSSSS anot? I always see you buying presents for people leh. Why i come back nv see anything new?? What've you got today??" So evil..
So bad lor.. Nv wish me.. somemore, still "suan" me. =(
But all these events led me to a different understanding of getting little presents for bdae. It's a kind of little excitement to spice up your life on that same day every year. =)
Well.. all the best to everyone for common tests. Ganbatte!!
- evileen