Saturday, June 11, 2005
So sian.. Watched "Lion King 1.5"yesterday with tabi and joce. About to cry when the father die that part.. =x But tabi and joce watching it with me, must hold back the tears, or else I will feel embarrassed. =x
Haiz.. really nothing much to do at home.. No life. Perhaps I talked too much. One friend nv give me a single reply. So disappointed. Talking to others, but ignore me =( Dont talk then dont talk lor =( I can dont talk to one person for 2 full years de =( Tried before...
Dont know why I am sick of almost everything. Games are boring.. Dont feel like playing my keyboard.. Dont feel like doing homework.. Dont feel like doing house chores.. Dont feel like eating.. Dont feel like doing anything at all! So, played my own ragnarok (my own server..). Went to look for my best pals, the "MVPs". But dont know why they keep disappearing out of nowhere. Got my golden gear after killing a golden bug.. Darn easy.. just press F3 for about 5 mins, and the MvP will be dead, lying flat on the ground. Here's a picture of my sniper, wearing her new golden headgear.

Really bored. So went to fight my own world of guild war. Killed most of the monsters.. But I cant break the emperium! Maybe I nv set the guild war time bah.. haiz nvm try next time T.T

- evileen